Workshops offered cover a variety of topics based on the age of your child. Learn about the physical, emotional and social development of your child in an intimate setting of 10-20 parents with plenty of time for discussion, reflection and questions.
Session 1 - Why Does My Baby Do That?
Your newborn has many sights, sounds and movements that may seem scary, but actually they're not - they're normal! Learn what they are and alleviate your anxiety! Bring all of your questions!
Session 2 - Promoting Sleep for Both You and Your Baby
Understand the sleep cycle and needs of your baby to maximize sleep for everyone.
Session 3 - Feeling Sick, Staying Well
Learn what to expect at the numerous well child check-ups in the first year and what you can do at home in between to promote good health and development.
Session 4 - Playing With Your Baby and Learning to Have Fun
Learn fun and enriching activities that promote the physical and social development of your baby at each stage of the first year.
Click here to view First Year workshop availability and sign up.
Session 1 - Fun Times for You and Your Toddler
Learn developmentally appropriate child centered play activities that promote your toddler's social, emotional and educational skills and maintain your sanity.
Session 2 - Beyond the Beige Food Group
Discuss the challenges of choosy eaters and food difficulties, and ultimately develop a plan to mitigate mealtime mayhem.
Session 3 - I Bite, I Throw and I say No!
Practice positive discipline strategies now that will lay the foundation for years of turning conflict into constructive teachable moments.
Session 4 - Managing Misbehavior
What to do when what you're doing isn't working. Strengthen your ability effectively to use distraction, ignore misbehavior and keep your cool when things are heating up.
Click here to view Toddler workshop availability and sign up.
Session 1 - Why Does My Preschooler Worry?
Everyone worries, even your pre-schooler. Learn what pre-schoolers worry about and tools you both can use to manage worries now as well as worries that may arise in the future.
Session 2 - Play is the Way to Preschool Success
Pre-school play is full of opportunities to strengthen your child's social, emotional and school readiness skills. Learn how to coach the development of these skills during your play time together.
Session 3 - Family Routines and Responsibilities
Family routines and responsibilities promote your child feeling safe and secure and encourages both independence and acceptance of limits. What can I expect from my child at this stage? What are developmentally appropriate independent tasks? Am I expecting too much or too little from my pre-schooler?
Session 4 - Promoting Positive Problem Solving
Does your child's response to conflict help solve the problem or create a new one? Learn to guide your child in defining the problem, labeling associated feelings, determining solutions and their consequences to promote self-control, self-knowledge, and self-esteem.
Click here to view Preschool workshop availability and sign up.
Session 1 - The Changes of Puberty - grownups only
Learn what to expect from your child at the pivotal stage of development called puberty. Review the basics of changes going on in his body and his mind. Gain the confidence and skills to talk to your child about topics related to physical and emotional changes at this time. This will enable your child to feel comfortable coming to you with questions or concerns throughout your relationship.
Session 2 - The Changes of Puberty - you and your child
Now that you are the expert on your child's development, guide your child's learning about the physical and emotional changes going on as you and your child attend together. Start talking together so the conversation never stops.